Desperados 3 multiplayer
Desperados 3 multiplayer

desperados 3 multiplayer

I think in both parts its all comes up to players choices. Gun ammo is scarce enough as it is on high difficulties. The very point of longcoat to be mostly like poncho but not easily killable. I find guns to be a nieche kind of tool anyway - something I do for themes more often then necessity. I thought dogs will be used to balance it out, but they seemed rather underutilized throughout the game.ģ) Poncho health - I don't really see a reason for it. Aiko in ST had to drop the disguise to crouch. What I think made her so very powerful is her ability to sneak which disguised. It would be a bit more APM demanding as we would need to time her distract, but it wouldn't change its power. Her entire kit revolves around it.Ģ) I don't think putting a timer on Kate's distract would do anything.

desperados 3 multiplayer

I think limiting her connect would make her a rather unattractive character to play. Especially handy as Stella is a superb distraction. She sneakes so much faster then anyone else, making it so easy to sneak past nearly anyone. One thing that I think she really excels in is movement. Isabells connect doesn't seem OP to me, though it makes up for her lack of range attack.

#Desperados 3 multiplayer plus

Cooper himself can take 3 enemies at a time (2guns plus knife) or 2 people silently (knife plus punch). Ponchos should be a bit increase, maybe 2 hit Bars against guns.So I kinda disagree with all of those.ġ) Connect - I don't see why people see it as such a problem. They also can give Kate a timelimit how long she can misslead enemys. Also Nerf Hectors ability to carry 2 enemys and sprint. Originally posted by Der Geographielehrer:Maybe they should nerf the connect Skill, for example with a ammo limitation.

Desperados 3 multiplayer